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Individuals deliberately feeding the birds

Reported via mobile in the Parks/landscapes category anonymously at 18:47, Thu 31 August 2023

Sent to Westminster City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4946380.


Individuals can be seen deliberately feeding the birds right here in Broadley Street Gardens.

I stood here again today and watched an old woman and her seriously psychologically challenged son emptying out more bag's of waste food, like bread, rice, noodles, chicken, etc at this precise spot/location, and when I pointed out to them both that there's are two notifications or warnings signs in front on them prohibiting the feeding of birds, I was threatened and ordered to go away or else.

There people really need dealing with, there is something really wrong with them; especially him, she's an old fool, but him, he's a fucking maniac that guy.

You at WCC really need to getvon this now, before somebody really does get hurt.

Broadley Street Gardens NW8 8BE.

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