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Engine idling outside of 9 Bledlow Close London NW8 8RU

Reported via mobile in the Engine idling category anonymously at 16:25, Sun 3 September 2023

Sent to Westminster City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4954103.

Young men in white Audi A4 reg: V017 LBK park illegally every single day on double yellow line outside of 9 Bledlow Close with their engine on smoking drugs. They make lots of noise causing a huge nuisance to neighbours as they fight each other over drugs in their car. They also dump all their rubbish in the same place which is causing even more inconvenience to residents. This happens every single day and the police or council are oblivious. The constant engine idling by these individuals in their car is causing breathing problems for us and our young children. Please send regular patrols outside 9 Bledlow Close NW8 8RU to stop this immediately.

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