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Squatting within the bin shed area.

Reported via mobile in the Parks/landscapes category anonymously at 20:28, Mon 13 November 2023

Sent to Westminster City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5207659.

Iwant to report ynt again the same man having broken into the old bin shed area of ravensbourne house nw8 8be, right between flat's 7 and 8.

He is squatting in there, and is stalking people, looking at me parking my car several time's, he's quite, quite effin insane, like out of his effin mind, and clearly a dangerous character.

He's arab, but of unknown origin; but, going by his clothing he's without question an illegal, or an escaped terrorist.

Please inform the anti terrorist line.

So, again, to recap. squatting within the bin shed area of ravensbourne house nw8 8be.

Please hurry.

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