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Dumped getaway stolen car 🚙

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 14:07, Mon 20 May 2024

Sent to Westminster City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5997124.

There is a what looks like a stolen and dumped car with obvious collision damage, especially at the front offside, where the front tyre has been chewed off and lost, as seen in the photo.

Don't touch this one until AFTER the Police have taken fingerprints from it, bcoz it's a certainty that this vehicle has been used illegally, possibly to commit a crime, so don't put your bare hands or finger's on it yet, let the cop's do some forensics on it first.

Parked opposite flat's 12 to 14 of RAVENSBOURNE HOUSE NW8 8BE. Broadley Street.

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