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Burglars were seen moving the barrier and sign onto our building entry from Herness Harris house across the road

Reported via mobile in the Safety fences and barriers category anonymously at 15:07, Friday 24 January 2025

Sent to Westminster City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 7028057.

On the 4th of January, our building 3 Grittleton Road, was targetted by burglars, one of the neighbours from her window had seen two of individuals moving a barrier and a sign (as seen in picture) onto the entry of 3 Grittleton Road), later they rang the bells and told the tenants they were constructor workers on behalf of westminster council...etc. there was one victim that they, but no one ever from the council came and move these objects from our entry, please return these from our entry as it is blocking the entry and it doesnt belong there, it belongs to Herness harris house constructors working there...

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